Between studying for final exams and enjoying the spring festivities around the Forty Acres, it will be time to move out before you know it. To ease your transition from our halls, we’ve compiled key tips, tasks and dates to ensure a smooth spring checkout process.
This Spotlight feature is for the on-campus residence halls and Dobie Twenty21. For more details and checkout information, visit the Residence Hall Spring Checkout Process page on our website.
2400 Nueces residents can find information specific to their checkout process on the 2400 Nueces Checkout Process page.
Key Dates
Happening now – If you wish to extend your stay on the Forty Acres for all or part of the summer, you can apply for summer housing in San Jacinto Hall. There is no deadline to apply. Visit our Summer Residents page to learn more.
Monday, April 29 – 24-hour quiet hours begin at 10 p.m. Remember to be courteous to your fellow residents during this time. If you need help addressing a noise concern, contact your RA or your hall’s front desk.
Monday, April 29 – Monday, May 6 – Trash to Treasure, a sustainability initiative through the Campus Environmental Center, will have donation bins coming to select on-campus residence halls. Drop-off locations for donations include Jester West, Jester East, Moore-Hill, San Jacinto, Kinsolving, Carothers and Duren. If there are items in your room you can’t take with you, with the exception of mattress pads, tube TVs and hazardous items, consider donating them for a fellow Longhorn to use.
Tuesday, May 7 – On-campus residence halls, including Dobie Twenty21, close at 9 a.m. There will be a fee, starting at $50, if you do not vacate by this time.
Key Tasks and Tips
Attend your floor/wing’s closing meeting to learn about your area’s checkout process. Your RA will communicate when your closing meeting is – attendance is mandatory, so talk to your RA if you have any schedule conflicts.
Leave your space clean and free of belongings. Clean your room and bathroom thoroughly, defrost your MicroFridge and remove all personal belongings from your room to avoid fines. Your front desk has cleaning equipment, so check out vacuums, carts and more supplies to help you. It’s easy to forget your belongings behind furniture, or accidentally leave food in your MicroFridge, so double check your space before leaving.
Complete the spring checkout resident checklist on Roompact. The respective checklists for the on-campus residence halls and Dobie Twenty21 can be found at these links. All tasks must be completed before you move out.
Return your keys in a checkout envelope. Pick up a checkout envelope from your hall’s front desk, place your key(s) inside and fill out all of the information on the envelope. Make sure to return your key(s) by 9 a.m. on closing day to avoid any fines. After returning your key(s) to the front desk, you will be checked out of your hall and unable to return, so make sure you have completed all the steps above.
Remember to take things one step at a time. Moving out of your residence hall can be overwhelming, but there are ways to make it easier. Start packing early, follow your checklist and be sure to breathe as you take things one step at a time.