Located in West Campus, 2400 Nueces provides safe, secure and spacious off-campus apartments with great amenities. Find your dream apartment, access the application process, view rates and search resources for current residents. Living at 2400 Nueces offers an off-campus experience with on-campus services steps away from campus.

2400 Nueces Location
Discover your perfect 2400 Nueces apartment where the residence hall experience meets a contemporary, conveniently located high-rise for students with at least sophomore-level standing.

2400 Nueces Application Process
Learn about the 2400 Nueces application process and apply to live with us in West Campus.

2400 Nueces Rates
View rates, billing and payment information for 2400 Nueces.

2400 Nueces Resources
Access the Residence Hall Manual, essential info and forms for current residents, and details about the Mooov-In process.