As Mooov-in quickly approaches, be sure to review our essential tips for a smooth arrival to your new home on the Forty Acres.
Tip #1 - Read all about it: Check out our Mooov-In guides for the on-campus residence halls, including Dobie Twenty21 and 2400 Nueces for detailed information about the Mooov-In process that applies to you. We are also communicating essential information to you via email so be sure your email address is accurate and up to date.
Tip #2 - Follow us on social media: In the lead-up to Mooov-In (and beyond), we regularly post topical and noteworthy content on our Instagram, Facebook and Twitter to prepare and excite you for your arrival to campus.
Tip #3 - Plan what to pack and leave behind: Your packing list differs depending on where you live. If you’ll be living in an on-campus residence hall, including Dobie Twenty21, check out this What to Bring page for full details on what’s included in your room, what to pack and what you should leave at home. If you’ll be living at 2400 Nueces, this page is your guide. Be sure to coordinate with your roommate to avoid bringing duplicates of shared items like TVs or shower curtains.
Tip #4 - Bring your ID: To receive your room key at check-in, you’ll need to present a UT ID or a current government-issued photo ID. If you don’t have your UT ID by then, we recommend that you promptly request one online or in person at the ID Center located in the Flawn Academic Center when you arrive.
Tip #5 - Bring a cart or a dolly: A dolly is very helpful to transport your items from your car to your residence hall. Some front desks have a limited supply of carts to check out during centralized check-in. During early, overnight and extended check-in, carts can be checked out from your designated front desk. To ensure that you’ll have access to a cart or dolly during Mooov-In, it’s best that you bring your own.
Tip #6 - Wear sunscreen, a hat and drink lots of water: Mooov-In can often be one of the hottest weekends of the year. Be sure to protect yourself from the sun and bring a reusable water bottle that you can refill at one of our water stations.
Tip #7 - Plan for rain, hope for sun (or shade): Although heat is usually the biggest worry during Mooov-In, there’s always the chance it may rain. Be sure to check the weather leading up to your check-in timeslot and plan accordingly. Consider keeping rain jackets close and bringing a few extra trash bags just in case to keep your belongings dry as you move them into your new home.
Tip #8 - Know who can help: Mooov-In is a large operation, which means that there is a long list of staff there to help you. Look out for staff wearing Mooov-In polos or volunteers in Mooov-In shirts if you have any questions or concerns the day you move in – they can assist you accordingly.
Tip # 9 - Pay attention to signs: There will be a lot of signage posted around campus during Mooov-In to provide you with information and help you orient yourself. If you don’t see any directional signage, this campus map can help you find where you need to go.
Tip #10 - Connect to campus WiFi: Staying connected is important throughout the Mooov-In process. Students can connect to the utexas WiFi network using their UT EID credentials. Parents, families and guests may connect to our utguest WiFi network throughout the duration of Mooov-In. Both of these networks will keep you connected no matter where you go on campus.
Tip #11 - Breathe: Mooov-In can be a stressful time but be sure to breathe and enjoy the moment – you’re now home on the Forty!