Learn about adding funds, spending funds and other Bevo Pay program details.
Program Basics
How does Bevo Pay work?
Bevo Pay is a cashless form of payment that is loaded onto a student’s UT ID card through an account held by the university once they join the program. Students can access this prepaid account from their UT ID cards, much like a debit card. These funds can be used at a variety of on and off-campus merchant locations. Funds can be added online.
What are benefits of Bevo Pay?
Bevo Pay is designed to increase safety and convenience. Every student already has a UT ID card, so there is no need to sign up for any additional accounts. Students always have their ID cards with them, making Bevo Pay accessible at all times. If something happens to a student’s ID card, it can immediately be deactivated online to protect Bevo Pay funds. Cardholder statements detailing every transaction are available online and can be seen by a student or eProxy. There are no monthly maintenance fees, minimum balance requirements or transaction charges.
What's the difference between Bevo Pay and Dine In Dollars?
Bevo Pay can be used at University Housing and Dining locations and all our participating merchants. Dine In Dollars can be used at University Housing and Dining locations only. Bevo Pay funds roll over and are refundable upon graduation; Dine In Dollars are not.
What happens if a student's ID Card is lost or stolen?
Anyone who has lost their UT ID card or has had it stolen should report it immediately and deactivate it. Replacement ID cards can be obtained at the ID Center for a fee. Photo identification will be required. The bill can be seen on the student’s What I Owe page. Visit the lost ID card page for more information.
Billing and Payment
How can money be added or gifted to a student's Bevo Pay account?
- The student’s UT EID is required for all payment methods.
- There is a $10 minimum to add Bevo Pay funds.
- Anyone authorized as an eProxy can add funds directly on the student’s Bevo Pay account. Before funds can be added, students must authorize access to their Bevo Pay account. Visit the eProxy page to learn more.
- Bevo Pay gift certificates can be purchased by check or money order. Money will be added to a Bevo Pay account and a gift certificate can be delivered via email to the student, or you can have your gift certificate sent via traditional mail. Fill out and print our Gift Certificate Order Form (PDF) and mail the completed form and payment (check or money order only) to:
Bevo Pay Office
University Housing and Dining
200 W Dean Keeton St
Austin, TX 78712
How can on-campus departments purchase Bevo Pay funds for students?
On-campus departments can purchase Bevo Pay funds for students through an Inter-Departmental Transfer (IDT/VT5).
To process an IDT we will need:
- A list of the students' names, EIDs and Bevo Pay amounts.
- Account Number and Object Code to charge.
- Official Occasion Expense Form if using 1309 or 1347 object codes.
Please email this information to the Bevo Pay team, bring it to our office located in Kinsolving Hall (200 W. Dean Keeton St.), or put it in campus mail addressed to: Bevo Pay Office, UHD - KIN, Mail Code E1800.
How can a student pay for Bevo Pay on the Tuition and Fee Bill?
Students can add a bill for Bevo Pay funds at any time before their Tuition and Fee bill is created. The Bevo Pay bill will appear at the bottom of the Tuition and Fee bill with the other miscellaneous charges. Students pay this as they normally would and when the Bevo Pay bill is paid, funds will be applied to the Bevo Pay account.
What happens if the student has a Bevo Pay bill in the system and decides not to pay it?
Funds that were added but left unpaid can be removed online through a student’s account.
Can Bevo Pay balance be refunded?
Bevo Pay funds are refundable only when students graduate or have a break in enrollment from The University of Texas at Austin for at least one year. At the time Bevo Pay is refunded, please know that any unpaid debt to the University will be deducted from the balance of the account. As long the student is currently enrolled in the University, they must leave their money in their Bevo Pay account.
How can a former student request a refund?
Former students can request a refund online through their Bevo Pay account. The refund will be put in the student account managed by Student Accounts Receivable. When the former student’s refund is processed, it will be applied to other debt owed to the university and the rest will be sent to the individual. We ask that former students keep their address updated to receive their refund.
Spending Funds
Can students withdraw cash from their Bevo Pay account?
Although Bevo Pay funds on a student’s ID card function like a debit card, students cannot withdraw cash from their Bevo Pay account.
Why do vending machines look for 5 cents more than the cost of the product?
The vending machine card readers check to see if your account balance is $0.05 more than the most expensive item in the machine, then only charges you for your selection.
How can a student check their Bevo Pay balance?
Bevo Pay balance and transaction history can be accessed through the student’s account.
What if a merchant overcharges a student’s Bevo Pay account?
Students will need to go back to the place of business where they were overcharged and have the merchant process a credit to their Bevo Pay account. Students should always ask for a receipt and verify the amount.
How can students request a merchant to join the Bevo Pay program?
Students can suggest a merchant they would like to see accept Bevo Pay by sending an email to bevopay@austin.utexas.edu. We will reach out to merchants suggested to us and provide them with information about the Bevo Pay program.